Postman –

Postman Rooted by rival23

Summary: overall super fun and easy box made by TheCyberGeek.

Initial foothold using an unauthenticated redis instance was a cool example of why we put passwords on it.

Cracking rsa_keys gave away user access and an authenticated RCE gave away root.

Initial Enumeration

As Usual I start with performing a full port scan using nmap

After I get all open ports I start a more detailed scan on each of these ports

By using the tags -sC and -sV I tell nmap to look for service and version

Port Enumeration


The website is still under construction. I decided to let some automated scanner do it’s thing and continue on other ports. 

Port 6379:

I found a link with some interesting ideas and tried some stuff. 

Using redis-cli we can see if the instance of redis needs authentication or not

When trying to connect to it it gives a kinda shell straight away, so no authentication required for this redis instance. Let’s exploit the crap out of it

Foothold: redis Unauthenticated rce

the idea here is to add our own ssh key to the authorized_keys file on the remote box. with our key injected we can ssh into the remote box using our own private key and have shell as redis user.

  1. Make a rsa_key using ssh keygen -> issue command and fill in al blanks
  1. Copy the into a text file
  1. Pass it along in a var for the redis client and connect to it after
  1. Save the content of the file into authorized_keys for redis user
  1. Connect as redis user using ssh

Now we have shell on the box as redis and time for some internal enumeration.

Priv esc 1 : user Matt

Ran linuxprivchecker

Using my own python webserver I managed to get an automated scanner on the remote box.

First setup the listener on own box using python3 -m http.server 80

Using wget on the remote box will make a GET request onto my webserver

We can see this request in the local kali which is a good sign and means it worked

To run the script you need to simply call it using python

After some looking around I found the id_rsa.bak in the /opt directory

In the header of the key tells us it’s encrypted, this means it needs to be cracked first

Using ssh2john I got the hash from the encrypted file and now that is crackable using john

Using john with format SSH we can simply pass the hash together with a wordlist and it gets cracked

Matt / computer2008 are the creds I got now.

Using ssh to get connection is not working, after some trial and error we find the right way to use these creds

With this we have now compromised user


Now that we have Matt user on the box it is time for some more enumeration and look for a way to get root.

I looked at open ports again to see if there were any interesting ones that needed more info in the beginning.

Port 10000:

Following the redirect revealed a login page.

Tried Matt / computer2008 and gave us admin panel.

I stumbled upon a metasploit module for webmin 1.910 when looking for well known vulnerabilites using searchsploit

Start msfconsole using msfconsole and then look for the right module

After setting all options it should look like this

Note that SSL is true. A browser session to http://postman.htb:10000/ revealed this

Run the module using run or exploit

This gives us root shell and thus owned the box!

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